Buy 1 - Nourish 1

Huge Earnings Potential as you Give Hope
to Kids Facing Impossible Odds

Alovea Hope Movement Video Preview

First of It's Kind,
Market-Driven Movement

Our Buy 1, Nourish 1™ model of social giving is at the very heart of our Social Business mission. Consumers receive the best nourishment that science has to offer while providing a sustainable funding mechanism for meeting the needs of children living in poverty, who without our support, have little hope of achieving and maintaining good health.

Alovea Buy1-Nourish1

Excellent Earning Potential as you Make a Difference

Buy 1 - Nourish 1

For every serving of product purchased from Alovéa, a serving of HOPE Boost™ or Mighty Milk is provided to a child in need. HOPE Boost is a nutritional dense Alovéa AE™ infused powered blend that can easily be added to any type of meal, turning whatever these children have to eat, into the most nourishing meal they’ll ever eat.

Mighty Milk is a powdered whole milk product contains healthy levels of protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals and is supercharged with nature’s most powerful immune optimizing molecule called Acemannan. Extracted and stabilized from the gel of the aloe vera plant, over 200 million dollars have been spent on validating the unique mechanism of action that Acemannan provides to the human immune system. No other plant extract or drug has ever been shown to provide the level of immune support provided by Acemannan.

In areas of the world where access to health care is either deficient or non – existent, the activation of a child’s immune system has proven to be one of the most effective strategies for saving lives.